Indiana Legislative Insight is the only publication focused exclusively on what’s happening in Indiana state politics and government – and why and how it affects you, and what to expect.
This newsletter, published since 1989, brings you detailed insider information about the people and politics that interact to shape policy. Behind-the-scenes information and analysis offers an informed and independent examination of politics and policy that enables you to plan your legislative, political, and business strategies.

Required reading for:
Whether it is dissections of legislative leadership contests and deal-making; gubernatorial and state agency staffing and decision-making; or news from the courts, business, and economic worlds that would otherwise go unreported or without context, this newsletter offers unbiased reporting and perspective that you won’t find elsewhere.
Recent News
Hope springs eternal for Guv
How he – and we – see process, policy at “geographic” mid-point Governor Mike Braun (R) offered his take Tuesday on the first half of the session and where he intends to direct his efforts over the next two [...]
Relief or reform?
Governor’s property tax relief plan gutted by Senate GOP Last week we told you that the legislative perception of the Governor’s property tax relief proposal was that it “needs fixed,” in the Hoosier vernacular. After having their ears bent [...]
Tax relief dynamics
Lots of multi-level sub rosa drama over property tax cut issues Even as lawmakers work to (conditionally) extend individual income tax cuts through additional years, the big tax issue on the agenda is property tax relief. The state has [...]
Guv’s plan to avoid vetoes
New governor tells us how he intends to circumvent a need to veto We’ve been privileged to converse with each of Indiana’s last nine governors –everyone who has led the state in the past 50+ years to gain their [...]